Set Invoice Preferences in the Customer Portal to Receive an Electronic Copy

Mountain Alarm’s customer portal now allows you to set preferences for different types of invoices. In addition, you can set it up to receive PDF copies of your invoices attached to an email. This is not enabled by default to add another layer of security to your account.

To set up invoice preferences:

  1. Click “Login” at the top of to sign into the portal. If you haven’t previously used the portal, you can click on “New User Registration” to set up your access.

  2. On the main account screen, navigate to the invoices section and click the green button labeled “Go Green/Invoicing Preferences.”

  3. On the Invoicing Preferences, select the option to attach invoices to emails.

(There is a disclaimer on the screen as to why this option is not enabled by default.)

You will then receive your invoices each month with an email. Only customers can make this change via the customer portal. Employees do not have access to modify or update this setting. However, our Customer Experience Department at 1-888-349-3455 can make changes to all other invoice delivery options if requested.